Heaven in Bronze. Cool clothing for the hot summer.

A lot of people love summer. So do I, but the most frustrating thing about it, is that if you live in a country with very hot summer climate like me, you’ll definitely connect summer with sweat haha. We can call it the double S – “SS”. And clothes have a lot to do with it.

I adore the sun (of course when it’s not burning like you’re a sausage in a pan haha), the sea, the green grass, the flowers, the vacations! How exciting it would be, if we could choose the wheather we like, when we have our day off?!
My perfect day would probably look like this: a sunny day with big fluffy clouds, caress wind, somewhere in the greenest forest with a lake, dogs and cats around me and lots of natural ice cream and ripe fruits, haha. What would your perfect day look like?

As every summer bronze color is in trend, I’ve decided to share with you some really lovely clothing and accessories. What is summer without a dress?! Do you love girly, girly stuff or do you prefer the edgy look? 

Bronze Dress from uniquastudio.etsy.com
 I find this dress super gorgeous! Yep. If you're curious you can go and check it on your own. It's made with removable accessory, which you can alter to your taste, it's unique and it's bronze!


Well, in real life this looks like a magic. It gradates from golden bronze into silver. Really impressive!

 You can find all this items at www.uniquastudio.etsy.com 
Let me know what you think. Which is your favorite color for the summer? :)
